The Universe rebel

Since 1985, MY effort IS to permanently protect THe universe and the wilderness of earth. I have been INVOLVED IN major aspects large and small.

my Mission

As a self created man, my goals and efforts have come to be a Universe Rebel. I take on come what may all needed to keep everything protected, healthy and free in all the Universe. This means doing things new and fresh outside the current ways of thinking which cause much harm and little good to our Universe.

Feel that you are a star in the vastness and beauty of the UNIVERSE

Feel that you are a star in the vastness and beauty of the UNIVERSE

The Universe is there for the picking like an apple on a tree.

Seize The Day my friends and do what is right for you and all.

-Universe Rebel

UNIVERSE rEBEL has helped accomplish major conservation goals. HE inspireS everyone to care for the universe we share.”

— Ron Northwoods






- Jack London, Alaskan Gold Rush

My Favorite Poem I Wrote Age 17:

I see

A possibility.

- Universe Rebel

Possibilities are everywhere. Like picking an apple from a tree. Most people pass it by even in need while grasping it is as easy as can be. This is life, there are millions of new things to be created. Make your life unique. Do not follow the herd and run off a cliff. Your unique path is there for the taking. Seize your days, become extraordinary in a way nobody has ever done before.

What the universe rebel has Achieved, the begining

  • Started in complete poverty raised by a welfare mother. Bought much of my own food from my morning paper route. Possibly scurvy and B vitamins deficiency.

  • Graduated from a high school class of 50, rated #5.

  • Tried to go to college to earn a degree in Geology but my mother prevented that out of selfishness.

  • From age 18 to 24 lived in a tent even in winter in the northern Great North Woods. To live I picked berries, ate cattail roots, snared rabbits, fished and trapped animals for food and sale of pelts, and picked the Berlin NH dump for metals to sell. In cold winter weather I heated the tent with numerous candles I found in the dump.

  • Here is the Secret of The Universe: 1) think about what you want 2) feel like you have it 3) give gratitude. You will receive it. If it does not appear you will get something better. It has always worked for me. Like picking an apple from a tree you can grasp it too.

  • In the Summer of 1979 I worked for the US Forest Service Youth Conservation Corp in Pinkham Notch, and then in 1980 for the Young Adult Conservation Corp.

  • In the Summer of 1986 I had an apartment in Plymouth, NH where I worked on a US Forest Service trail crew.

  • After that I bought my first car, a used Datsun 210 with money I earned and saved while on the trail crew.

  • 1987 to 1989 earned a Land Surveying degree in the Berlin NH Technical College.

  • A wealthy man across the street from you owns a huge mansion. One day he dies - the mansion is still there, he did not take it with him.

  • In 1988 I created surveying software called Universe Rebel’s HP HandHeld Survey Software which made me thousands of dollars from many hundreds of orders. Used outdoors and in offices it is still in use today.

  • Worked as a Land Surveyor 1987 to 1993 for Thorne Surveys in Center Conway, NH. I was laid off due to the collapsing economy.

  • Got my Geographic Information Systems (GIS) degree from the same college in 1998.

1994 to 1995 I surveyed for Civil Consultants to protect the Appalachian Trail near Bethel Maine and the 100 Mile Wilderness out of Monson Maine.

  • Got several GIS jobs - St. Johnsbury VT, Wolfboro NH, Augusta ME. They treated me like crap so I left them to make my own way. Best decision I ever made since now I create my own life path.

  • In 1998 - 1999 I taught myself the PHP language, MySQL data base, and HTML for the Internet.

  • February 2000 the Caledonian-Record Vermont newspaper hired me because they wanted to be the 1st Vermont newspaper to go online. In 2 months I created a great website and became the 3rd highest paid employee of 50 who worked there.

  • Many websites I have made include which earned me much money, Hot-Kisses,com which did the same, and FireSteel,com which I still own since about 2010 and sells thousands of firesteels throughout the world.

  • In my 40’s and 50’s I was very near the New Hampshire state record for my age and weight for bench pressing: 435 pounds.

  • Alas I fell down the stairs carrying firewood and broke my head open. Helicoptered to Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital where I spent a year while having several major brain surgeries. Doctors, nurses, family and fiends: nobody thought I was going to live. The day they were going to pull the plug and let me die I came through just a small amount. Here I am.

  • The harder the fall the bigger the comeback.

  • Nature has tried to kill me a number of times. It has not succeeded, I am as strong as an ox. I will live 1000 years simply because that is what I choose.

  • This Fall 2020 I began work on this new website where I expound my belief of a free, strong Universe by choosing a better path.


“We’re all going to die, all of us. What a circus! That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothing.”

- Charles Bukowski

When they were looking for a king the Oracle told them “Whoever can untie this complicated rope knot will reign the Persian Empire”. Nobody was able to do it. Alexander the Great looked at the rope and said “This rope does not seem to have a beginning or an end”. He takes a sword and cuts the rope in two. Alexander then says “I do things my own way”. Everyone failed and he showed them how to succeed. Do not follow the herd. Grab the obstacles and defeat them like noone else has.

Universe Rebel shows you how to succeed. Everyone acts like the member of a herd, following each other off a cliff. All is there for the taking, like picking an apple off a tree. Most will pass it by even in need while it is obvious it’s there.

Act unexpectedly. The team that does not play with expected strategy scores more goals. Attack the enemy at its alleged strongest point. This is where the enemy is usually most unaware of what is about to happen.

Attack retreat. Attack retreat. Attack retreat. A thousand small cuts take down the biggest, strongest enemy. Bees and Army Ants, mosquitoes and blood suckers, Rebels - observe what the smallest do when individually there should be no success.

-Universe Rebel 12/18/2020

When faced with a battle I cannot win I fly away. I am still here fighting on. Nature and man have tried to kill me several times. One day they will pull it off. I accept that as inevitable. I shall go on forever, indestructable.


Dr. Albert Schweitzer was once asked, "Doctor, what is wrong with men today?" The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, "Men simply do not think.


You don't want them to be surprised. You want them to be scared. If you can't win, run away. Come back another time when they don't expect and win them over. -Universe Rebel

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I will either find a way or make one
- Hannibal 218 BC

Bitcoin: Emancipation from paper money slavery.

Bitcoin kicks the hornets nest.