I am one of the strongest men who ever lived. Nature has tried to kill be a number of times - difficult wilderness situations, accidents, unexpected situations. I look forward to death - it happens to us all. Do we really die? We have been around for all time, eternity. There is no escape from that. Look forward to another adventure. Observe the Universe all around you. You ARE the Universe.

seize the day

The Mountains of my mind forever. I live I die I live here forever after.

+ Universe Rebel +
To all the women in my life past, present, and future.

+ Universe Rebel +

I have been a Mountains Man all my life. I have lived in these mountains and forests nearly 60 years. This where I will die and return my flesh and bones from whence it came to be redeveloped into something fresh and new.

I am a natural born northern mountains warrior. I have hunted and trapped all my life with an inborn knowledge of how to take hundreds of animals. If need be men are next.

I am God. We all are of God.

Fire is the greatest invention of all mankind. Few people understand this until they go without it. I came up with FireSteel.com - firesteels are the greatest firemaking gear ever created. Men like me do this sort of thing throughout history. Men like me occur again and again and again.

My beautiful girlfriend. I am one of the strongest men who ever lived.
One day we die and return our flesh and bones from whence they came to be recycled into sky and drops of rain. -Universe Rebel

I was engaged to Kelli after she asked me out while in college. After a time I discovered what she was doing and wisely dumped her.

A year later she mailed me, I read 1 paragragh and thew it out. She had already revealed herself as her true nature. I was not having that again.

+ Universe Rebel +

No matter what happens I WILL RISE

Hello, World! Live Free. Live Srong. Seize Your Days like few others do.

The.Secret.Life.of.Walter.Mitty.2013 Full Film HD ♥ Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Ben Stiller

Things dangerous to come.

Thank God my life story.

+ Universe Rebel +

Martha Eaton. US Forest Service Camp Dodge 1979. ‘nuff said.

This is the core of the Universe

Look Who’s Back

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I will either find a way or make one
- Hannibal 218 BC

Bitcoin: Emancipation from paper money slavery.

Bitcoin kicks the hornets nest.



Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Be unique in the Universe and the Universe will shower you with success and accomplishment others will view in amazement.

Seize your days. Take the bull by its horns and grapple it down, you are stronger in essence than any man in history. Grasp it and take it down.