Create Your Life in the Universe

Universe Rebel

More pictures of my home and doings soon…

The whole Universe is a massive gigantic place. Your subconcious mind encompasses it all. Few people realize this. Think about what you want to be, feel like you are, give gratitude for being it, and it will appear. This is the universal secret of the universe applied by sculptists, authors, painters, philiosophers, and all for thousands of years. It is there for your picking like an apple from a tree.

Nature has tried to kill me several times. I am very difficult to kill. When we die it does not matter. We all live forever. To be human again, a chick-a-dee singing bird, a rock, the sky, the galaxy. We are here forever. We are everything. We are gigantic.


Fungi on fallen tree

Hello, World! We are all Universe Rebels. This is our business card.

Almost won't get you there.

+ Universe Rebel +
On this mountain scout I came upon this interesting fungi growing on a fallen log. I have seen only a few times in my life. Very interesting indeed.
-Universe Rebel-
Free Arms 2.png
Where people cannot defend themselves and family we have the greatest rates of crime. Politicians who ban firearms from citizens live in fenced in communities protected by armed gaurds while the citizens are robbed, raped, and murdered. Thugs know the people cannot defend themselves.

The first thing Hitler, Stalin, and Castro did was ban firearms - then sent milions of people to gulags.

Open your eyes!

+ Universe Rebel +
There's an apple in your hand. You say “I love you so much I could eat you”.

And you eat it. You relish it.

That's loving in a special way.

+ Universe Rebel +
I love to hug trees. There is much power in that. Trees love it too.

+ Universe Rebel +

Free hawk bird. Birds show you freedom.

Freedom is everywhere – grasp it as simple as picking an apple on a tree.
— Quote Source

Winter Tent and Cordwood

April 16, 2021. 6-inches snow falls on my property here in the Great North Woods, New Hampshire.

+ Universe Rebel +

Mount Washington

Mount Washington, New Hampsire next to my home town has the worlds worst weather.

+ Universe Rebel +

.375 H&H Magnum Rifle

I find a .375 H&H Magnum rifle lost in the woods. This rifle is extremely powerful.

How did this happen? Think about what you want, the Universe sends it to you.

+ Universe Rebel +

Sighting in Rifle

Look Who's Back. Fate. Destiny. Destiny causes me to continue our fight. It is the only language these people understand.

We are racing to the abyss. Few people see it. It is providence that wants a man like me to be a Rebel.

It's amazing the path that destiny takes to reach its destination.

Every day I practice rifle use here in the mountains and forests of the Great North Woods.

Whatever happens I shall defend you and yours.

Live Your Legend.

+ Universe Rebel +

Bobcat Track

Bobcat Cat track.

+ Universe Rebel +



Bear cub track

Black Bear cub track.

+ Universe Rebel +

Property Boundary Blaze on Tree

Blazed tree on a line that shows property boundary. This can be used for navigation through thick forest.

+ Universe Rebel +
US Forest Service blaze on tree. The USFS always uses color red.

For years I was a Land Surveyor and know much about navigation through thick forest.

+ Universe Rebel +
Rainy day in the woods. I cover the end of my rifle with what I call a “barrel condom”. This keeps twigs, bugs, and other detritis from plugging up the rifle and can easily be shot through.

+ Universe Rebel +
Large stonewall. This indicates this was once a farmers field now turned into thick forest.

+ Universe Rebel +
Back of my truck with bumper stickers.

Top center was a magnetic sticker that says “I Am God”. We all are God. Someone took it.

+ Universe Rebel +
My canvas tent with titanium woodstove and cot. I like to take naps here all year long.

+ Universe Rebel +

Amish Barn on my Porperty, imported from Pennsylvania

My property has this large imported Amish Barn where I store my new tractor and many supplies.

+ Universe Rebel +
Chicken coop.
Part of the 10 acre pasture field. The other 30 acres of land is thick deciduous forest.

+ Universe Rebel +

Firewood under cordwood covers

I always have at least a 3 year supply of firewood. Get plenty more from dead and dying trees on the property. The Universe gives everything for Free.

Picture taken April 9, 2021. Notice the snow remaining near the top of these tall mountains. Ususally this time of year on the ground here remains 2-feet of snow.

In the pond spring peepers are already peeping - a very early Spring.

+ Universe Rebel +

Moose droppings

Moose spoor found in the forest. Above me you can see a grasshopper flying. Grasshoppers make good eating if need be.

+ Universe Rebel +
Large open area in forest where loggers process wood before it is trucked out. In late Fall I find dropped moose antlers here.

+ Universe Rebel +
Another US Forest blaze line.

+ Universe Rebel +
Huge beaver dam made by a beaver. He cut down these trees with his teeth!

+ Universe Rebel +
Giant beaver lodge he called home. I know much about animals such as beavers, I do not disclose this information because many people will use it in bad ways.

+ Universe Rebel +
Survival fire at -40 degrees temperature. If I did not know how to start a fire I'd be dead.

Nature has tried to kill me several times, it likes trying that. I am very difficult to kill, as I say “tuff as an ox”.

+ Universe Rebel +
older-tracks (1).jpg
Expert tracker. Be you animal or man I will find you. I want what I want and go after it.

You know I know where you are. I will take you down - the problem is yours.

You have to know a land to rule it. I know the land.

These mountains and forests are my UNIVERSity.

+ Universe Rebel +

I know how to fight.

I have a Montegue paratrooper folding mountain bike. The bikes are used by the military to parachute out of airplanes while the bike is folded up. We can also fold it up and carry on our backs until a trail or road is come upon where you can unfold it and travel at speed.

On the front bar between handles I also have a 9MM Khar subcompact hand gun. On the back of the bike I carry spare tire, tools, food, water, rain gear, etc.

I also wear a Smith helmet designed to limit brain injury caused by dramatic fall.

+ Universe Rebel +
Huge rocks have been dug out of the pasture ground and draged into stonewalls. How did they do this??

+ Universe Rebel +
South side of my new farmhouse. Also showing cordwood, mountain bike, canvas tent, apple trees, me and more.

Completely debt free. Bitcoin rocks. Be your own bank.

Bitcoin Kicks the Hornets Nest.

+ Universe Rebel +
A small part of my office. Flags => Earth, Don't Tread on Me, Come and Take It.

Next to the closet door is red metal sign that reads "CyberTruck Tesla / Parking Only / All Others are UNWORTHY". I have ordered the 3-motor truck, when it arrives I will stake this sign on the edge of the driveway.

Have a lifetime supply of survival gear including military clothing.

I have been an avid weightlifter/hiker/walker/survivalist since age 13.

This is just a bit of my gear.

+ Universe Rebel +

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I will either find a way or make one
- Hannibal 218 BC

Bitcoin: Emancipation from paper money slavery.

Bitcoin kicks the hornets nest.