Observe-Orient-Decode-Act Loop

What is one thing you believe that nobody else believes? The answer is simple: he who is able to make and execute decisions fastest, wins.

It seems simple, but like many important concepts is incredibly complex once you dig into it.

The theory of the “Observe-Orient-Decode-Act Loop” states that the faster one is able to observe the enemy, orient one’s self to that enemy, decide on a course of action, and then act on that decision, the more likely one is to defeat the enemy in a combat engagement.

No single theory better explains the tactical success of many who use it.


It is a brilliant tactical mind that can be understood simply by looking through the lens of the Universe.

For the mainstream media, the observe-orient cycle can take hours, if not days. First, something happens (like an attack on innocent civilians). As initial reports begin to trickle out from the incident, members of the mainstream media begin to ask themselves what happened. They flock to their private internet chat rooms (like the recently leaked Correct The Record Slack channel) and begin to formulate an official “narrative”. Virtues must be signaled. Feelings must not be hurt. Once they have observed and oriented, then they collectively arrive at a decision: it is time to go in TV. Hours later, they take to the airwaves and the blogs. Hand-wringing commences.

This process takes approximately six to ten hours depending on when it happens.


Their single OODA-cycle takes a whole day.

This used to work back when newspapers were printed once every 24 hours (or sometimes had an “afternoon edition”), and news as a result had a daily, cyclical feel to it. Something happened. And a response came a day later.

Then came the Internet.

This means social media and a tight-knit crew of trusted confidantes. With a reach into the hundreds of millions worldwide across Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Periscope, and Twitter, you are able to completely bypass the media and address your audience directly.

Whatever happens you can successfully respond in seconds or minutes. Get “inside the OODA-loop.” It means that in the time it takes the other side to make a decision, you have already not only made your first decision, you have made MULTIPLE decisions as as you anticipate the reaction.

You thought “bullet-time” in the Matrix was something that only existed in video games? Look no further than real life.

To apply the OODA-loop in your own life you need to have the right mindset.

1. Observation. Sharpen your senses. Practice your skills of observation. Go for walks where you simply listen and watch. You will be amazed at what you see. Birds chirping. Couples feuding. Strange chalk marks in alleyways. Listen to your mind when you see something. Pay attention to the world around you.

2. Orientation. This is the big one. It means always striving to improve yourself be it through reading new books, listening to podcasts, or learning new skills. To orient effectively you must train your mind to recognize patterns, understand history and psychology, and even know your enemy.

3. Decision making: this one just comes with time, and with mentorship. This is why training schools exist in the military, or practice for sports teams.

4. Action. You need to strengthen your body. Lift weights. Get in shape. Eat right. Practice breathing. This way your body and your mind will be prepared once you decide to take action.

These are principles in the movement we are building. You can use these same principles in your own life. You just need to have the right mindset.

Universe Rebel has spoken.

Lord Universe Rebel

The Rebel in the Universe, I choose my own way.


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