planting wealth

I have observed the way the Universe aways works - no exception. You too can grasp this as easy as picking and apple from a tree.

Consider these obversions of mine:

1) A squirrel planted an acorn in my yard in order to hide it. This acorn has grown into a 16-inch thick 40-foot tall oak tree that every year produces hundreds of acorns.

Many of these acorns are eaten by squirrels and chipmunks. These acorns are the way of wealth for these animals.

They have also buried acorns all along the edge of my property, each in turn growing into large oak trees each of which produce many hundreds more acorns.

On and on and on.

2) Gravity always works the same way wherever you are. You do not fall up - you fall down.

3) In the right soil a farmer plants bushels of wheat, corn, or other seeds. What does he get back? That’s right - tons and tons of wheat, corn, or whatever he planted. A vast increase to be sure.

How can you use this obvious secret of the universe to obtain vast wealth?

The vast majority of people seeking the Secret of the Universe spend decades trying to find it. Why is it so difficult to find?

I, like a few people throughout history, have found the hidden SECRET.

The secret of the universe hidden in plain sight!


Just like farmers, squirrels, and more have discovered the SECRET that is valuable to them in their own way, I will teach you how to tap into the SECRET OF THE UNIVERSE for financial wealth in your own way.

As I like to say, “simple as picking an apple from a tree”. It is right there in front of your face.

This is what I do: as I walk down the street I “plant” quarter dollar coins in places such as cracks in stone walls. People find these in astonishment.

In Franconia Notch, New Hampshire near to where I live are sandy beaches on the ends of small ponds where people frequently go. I place quarters on the sand here a couple inches below the water that causes the shiny quarter to shimmer in the sun. People find these quarters in astonishment.

Planting the “Money Seeds” as I call them has caused the Universe to send into my financial coffers vast amounts of money, much like a farmer planting seeds gets in return vast amounts of the plants he desires.

Having obtained this vast wealth from the Universe I have taken it a step further to help humanity as best I can.

$2 bills

Using money obtained from the Universe, I regularly get 100 $2 bills from the bank. I give them as tips and gifts to grocery store workers, passer-bys, attendants, etc.

These people are astonished to get a $2 bill because they are very rarely used and most have never seen them. I bet most keep these $2 bills and think of me when they see them.

Money continues to roll in to me

“But how does all that money really come to me?” you may ask.

There are several ways:

First, the Universe creates a way for the money to come to you. For example make a new business for people in need that few if any others have done before. People will gladly flock to your business and pay money for the goods and services you offer.

In addition the Universe will create something unthought of by you which can cause massive amounts of money to come to you.

For example:

1) the printing press vs. scribes

2) cars vs. horse and buggies

3) internet vs. brick stores and libraries

4) bitcoin vs. constantly devalued fiat currency

These are just a few. What I find is that when the majority of people are discrediting something new that is an excellent opportunity for you to embrace it before they do and make your fortunes.

I have discussed Secrets of the Universe you can use too. Like picking an apple from a tree.

Your welcome.

Lord Universe Rebel

The Rebel in the Universe, I choose my own way.

song of the open road


law of the universe