rebellion against tyranny

Stop clinging to your rock and let it sink so you can float.

A man is a sovereign unto himself and only may be ruled by his own consent.

Free Arms 2.png

Ask the average US citizen citizen what the purpose of the US Constition and Bill of Rights are and 99% of people will say "They grant me my rights" as if they are beasts that need to be granted rights by government.

Freedom and Liberty are not special priveledges and government by its nature is psychopathic (power and control seeking) and is the eternal target of inividuals and corporate phycopaths for exploitaion and abuse.

The government is dangerous.

  • Here is the only ageement we have with the US Government: behave and do your job or we will kick your ass.

The US government has one single benefit: they are allowed to exist until we change our mind. The government has no inherint rights - only permissions and duties. They are allowed to exist until we change our minds. Piss off the people and the contract ends. Clean out your locker and hit the road.

Focus On The True Culprits

Eventually, someone is going to have to bring the international banking elites to justice for their direct influence over government corruption and destructive economic policy. Making stands against the Bureau of Land Management and other questionable federal agencies might be a necessary part of this fight, but the fight will never end until the original perpetrators are removed at the root.

We take the bull by its horns and grapple it down. It will give up and submit to our Freedom

Beware of any group or “leader” who calls you to action but ignores the money-elite; they are probably more interested in exploiting you than helping you.

The Liberty Movement fights the 47 percent who are getting government checks - at taxpayer expense. Work harder MILLIONS depend on you!

Lord Universe Rebel

The Rebel in the Universe, I choose my own way.

Boresighting a Rifle


seize the day